— Look ! What pretty animals I have !
Aram says : I have a black cat.Ani : And I have a green bird and animals of several kinds.Aram : Yes, your animals are very pretty.
Aram and Ani have several kinds of animals. They have white mice, blnk cats, green birds.
Ani goes home and calls Aram : "Come and have a look, what pretty ,ntnals I have!" |
Ունիմ, ունիս, ունի, ունինք, ունիք, ունին- Verb To Have, Indic. Present tense- Singular and Plural (See more - 11)
Կենդանիներ - The plural of the words : Monosyllabic / polysyllabic (See more - 18) Տե՛ս – Verb Տեսնել,Imperative – Look ! |
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